Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello, I am Susan. God has opened a new chapter in my life. I am very excited to be a part of the blogger family. I am looking forward to meeting new friends and sharing ideas and learning new ideas as well.

 I love homemaking.. cleaning, cooking,canning,doing crafts,organizing, decorating, adminstration skills and most of all my girls... I love going shopping but best of all finding the deals! 

When it comes to my girls , I try to give them the best I can... all the love I have, teaching them to love and trust God for all that they need, and how to be responsible, giving them the best education as possible, cutest clothes, and always making myself available to them. My girls are a gift from God that He has entrusted to me.

 . I am a clean freak, and need to be organized. I believe if you put things in its right place then you will know where it is , this also applies not only to material things but things in our life....Our  God is an orderly God, He wants us to put Him  first in our lives . I know from experiences that if it wasn't for my God, I could  not have made it to where I am and where I am going.

 We all have one life to live, so live it to the fullest with God. One of my sayings is  "When life gives you lemons, don't just made lemonade make some cherry lemonade." Looking forward to seeing you and meeting you....

 Hi, my name is Susie, I love soccer, volley ball, basketball, and I am almost ten years old. I am so happy to be blogging with my mom, sister, and grandmother. I am also looking forward to meeting and talking with you. Oh! I almost forgot I just looooove LSU Tigers!!! They are my favorite football team! I also do gymnastics, and I am working on my back handspring, I am a perfectionist and I like to finish what I start.  

Hi everybody, my name is Katie I am seven years old, I love cheer leading, YEA!!GO TEAM!!!.I take gymnastics, and I can do the splits!! I love to work on my back handspring. I also loooove to ride horses. I have been spending the summer at my grandparents farm.I have my own pony and her name is Rainy, because  it was raining when she was born. Yesterday I got to ride a donkey for the very first time, it was really fun,( but the donkey was a little wild.)LOL


  1. Welcome to blogland dear daughter and best friend of mine, I am so proud of you you have done such a beautiful job with your first post. I pray God's blessing on you as you begin this new adventure, known as blogging. May you be used of God to minister to many women, as I know your heart.
    With all my love.
    Sue(mother & friend)

  2. I came here from your mom's blog. I think this is the neatest thing that you are doing this WITH your daughters! How much fun you will have thinking of topics and taking pictures and just playing with this together. Good job, Mom!

    And to top it off, you have one of my favorite songs playing. ("Who am I?")

    Will look forward to hearing some adventures from the cowgirls.

  3. Hi Susan!

    Welcome to blogland! I can see the apple didn't fall very far from the tree - you and your mom sure do look alike, and I see that you have the same positive attitude and love of the Lord!

    Your girls are so cute, and it sounds like they had a great time at grandma's and grandpa's this summer!

    Have a wonderful week!


    P.S. I love cherry lemonade!
